Wednesday, November 30, 2011


This whole world and everything we know, are based on choices. We all make important, life changing decisions and opportunities, and if we don't look around and pay attention, we might miss them. You always hear people telling you how to make your decisions, and odds are they know what's best, considering they know from experience, but you have to learn to make important choices by yourself. Of course, there are the little ones that don't make that much of a difference, but there are also the ones that can set the course for your life. Because of these choices, I am choosing to write about this topic.
Because of the normal human flaws, we don't always make the best decisions. But sometimes, It doesn't make that big of a shift in your life. Choices like deciding what toothpaste we should by, choosing to take the bus over driving, or downloading a new song from iTunes are decisions that would not make that big of a difference. Life is full of these choices, while some of them might seem useless, they help us with decision making.
Now, you know there aren't just little choices in life. There are always the ones that a huge chunk of our lives may be a result of that single choice. Some examples are: Marriage, career choice, and following the law. We will choose right and we will choose wrong in the times there are these choices. But some of these choices, which can sometimes be crystal clear, can be about as certain as the next song on your iPod when on shuffle. We don't have a definite answer to almost any of our choices.
Sometimes, we think something is not a major choice, but it could prove to be the most important one in our life. I heard a quote someone said, "There are many important choices in life, but some can be missed in the blink of an eye. In 20 seconds your whole world could be changed by a certain decision you have made." I think that it's strange to think that a decision that is happening in front of you, with no warning signs or signals, has the power to change your life. Also, a collection of these small choices can equal something big. Like if you choose to not buy toothpaste, not to shower once a day, skip shaving once or twice, could all add up to a person's perspective about you. In that certain example, I'm sure that someone would say something like, "You are absolutely discussing." *Personal hygiene is important.*
Well, I fit in all the comma rules I needed to in this cute little essay, so I'll start to close. Life is full of choices, and we need to pay attention or we could miss something important. There are choices that don't really matter, choices that matter a lot, and little decisions that end up mattering. We cannot control the outcome of unknown decisions, but they will always turn out the way they are supposed to.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

School Responsibility

Fun title, right? They the words that every person feels at one point in their life, and it is the student code that we are told to live by. We are all need to act mature in our life, regardless of age. Don't get me wrong, I think that responsibility is one of the main things we need to learn in life, and I know of its major importance. I would rather do what I think is right and do what I think needs to be done, than someone telling me how to do things; which I hate. I am a huge believer in personal responsibility and I think that the entire school system should be formed around just that. But the way teachers pound you with assignments and expect them to be done exactly to their standards. The way that the word responsibility has its perfect definition, and any variations will not be tolerated. I cannot handle this school system anymore, and I know that I have already talked about this once, but let's continue, shall we?
I know that you have already heard me gripe and complain about this, and the last thing that I want you to know me by is my nonconformist ways, but my brain is shutting down. I am FAR to stressed as it is, considering all that I am currently doing, and I love everything that I'm doing outside of school, But when you add the fact that you need to be a perfect student. The way that they think that the only thing you should be doing is schoolwork, and you might even agree! Since when should school be the main source for everything? Did I miss the memo that told everyone to stop living life? Since when was I told I couldn't have a voice, or express myself through other means than an art project or science fair? You are supposed to live your own life, to learn from your OWN mistakes. I feel like people have all gone crazy or got brainwashed or something, except for me. But somehow I'm the crazy one, and I may be, but if you agree with everything that the school does, then I don't know what is going on. But I am asking you to join my insanity for a moment, at least until the end of this essay.
If you read my "The School System" article, then this would all be familiar, but I believe that there is this mold that has been formed of a perfect student and we are all told to fit it, and if we don't, it ruins our lives. According to the school system, there is one way to learn things, but there are millions! But they force us to learn one way and one way only. They'll hand you far too many assignments, and what do they hope to accomplish? Sure, some, or even most of the kids doing the same assignment may learn something, which is great, but what about the kids who don't? Of course, I do think that assignments can be helpful in moderation, but everyone has a different way of learning things. But it seems like the school doesn't care about them. You either fit the mold or you fail the class.
Now, it's late, and you probably stopped reading my rambling on about useless subjects that I cannot change, so I'll finish up. I don't think that the way the school teaches responsibility is the only way to learn it, but it seems they force you to. But who knows? I could be totally wrong. Until next week, Goodbye.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Social Networking

Weird topic? Yes. I have been sitting in front of my computer for 10 minutes trying to decide what to write about. But I was checking my Facebook at the same time, so why not write about social networking? You have probably heard from someone, that is probably a lot older and lived life without the need to update whats on their mind every day to 642 friends that don't really care, that there is no need for social networking. I would disagree with that statement, but I also would have to somewhat understand their point of view. Let us start with the disagree portion of this 500 words or more essay.
I do not think anyone needs to have a Facebook or MySpace or Twitter or whatever the heck you have. Now, don't be all "But you have a Facebook, don't you Jack?" Yes, and I'll get to that later. Life should be lived as life, not staring at little pixles of light on a computer screen. And honestly? I couldn't really care less how your weekend was, I have no intrest to know that you and your dog love spending time together, and I don't want to hear your problems that have absolutly nothing to do with me. I heard a couple quotes the other day about Facebook, and I amused me. They are- "Facebook is like a jail, you listen to peoples problems, you all have a profile picture, and you get poked by people you don't really know." And- "It's called Facebook, not StalkingBook."
Because I keep bagging on social networks, I'll admit they can be useful. For example, Facebook can be used for keeping track of your close friends, helps you organize dates, and it's also a little fun. The reason people don't like social networks is because they are overused way too much. There are always those people that post every three hours, there are always those people who will add you when you don't really know them, and there will be those people who stalk someone for months at a time by what they've liked and their photos.
Now is the paragraph about what every teenager hates, but for some reason, starts it all. Drama. If anything, social networks are melting pot for all of the drama that has been going on and multiplies it by 6. Yes, 6. Because you are not talking to the person directly. It's like talking to someone behind their back, but to their computer screen, which spreads the gossip to the person. It is the perfect breeding ground for cyber-bullying, because you can upload embarrassing photos and write a mean status. It brings together everything bad happening between people, but it also brings friends together.
To conclude, I think that social networks are bad and useless in many many ways, but they are also good in some too. There are many times that I have almost deleated my Facebook just because I have gotten so sick of it, but I cannot bring myself to it. It's like a big party. You don't really know many people there, there is always drama and problems, but Hey, it's a party. It is a place for friends, but some people take it to the next level.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Lately, I have been seeing more and more of a continuous problem. Some of the youth today have stopped going on dates. There is no more calling someone up asking if they want to go to a movie and dinner, there is only hanging out at a friends house. You would think that this would not strike someone as a big deal, but for some reason I can't get around the fact that they are taking something great and taking it for granted. That just barely sounded super lame, but why pass an opportunity to spend time with the opposite gender?
OK, call me a little bit of a hopeless romantic, but I was excited to go on dates once I realized girls didn't have cooties. I have been excited to turn 16 so I can drive a date to a drive in movie or something like that. But then It's right around the corner and people are stopping! I've been hanging out with girls since I was 5. I want to be able to actually go on dates.
Now, with every problem, there's a solution. I plan on resurrecting the idea of dating. Even if dating stops completely. How will you do that Jack? That seems nearly impossible. My life is formed around impossible. I will take girls on dates every weekend, if necessary. It's a chore really, going out with girls every weekend, but I'm sure I can handle it.
Right now you are probably thinking, "He just wants to hang out with a bunch of girls." Considering I am 15 years old, that couldn't be more true. But I'm not just saying it for my benefit. You should learn to be as little awkward with the opposite gender as possible. You can't turn out like a 40 year old man with no idea how to talk to girls, and you'd be surprised how many people cannot. Some of my best friends are girls. There should be no barrier for friendship because of gender. Many times, at a junior high, you will hear a lot of drama about someone liking someone because they spend a lot of time together. But I don't know how or by whom but this rule has formed over many years. It's the "Guys and Girls can't be friends" rule. Now, I've never been one for rules, and this is no excuse. I think that this is a complete lie.
To conclude, I do think that dating should be THE main way to spend time with the opposite gender. I think that it helps get over the unreasonable awkwardness and confusion. There is this barrier that has been set up and it needs to be broken down. Now, if you find yourself kissing everyone in the opposite gender, then it may be time so slow down. I am not encouraging moving too fast, or even moving fast at all, because that could eventually become problematic. But I think that there should be no reason why people shouldn't go on dates and get to know each other.


Yeah, I haven't posted for two weeks, but if your life was as busy as mine, you'd understand. Anyway, this week, I am choosing to write about the general topic of seasons. Yes, we all have favorites. I personally, love Summer. I don't have to waste 7 hours of my day in school. I can wake up every day at 2pm and not feel like I missed anything. I stay up past midnight every night with friends. And every day is like a Friday night.
Now, with every positive, there is a negative. I absolutely HATE cold. Which is really ironic, because I live in Utah. Sure, I love snowboarding, hot chocolate, curling next to a fire, or cuddling with a girl because your "cold". And don't get me wrong, I love those things. But it's the lack of color, the freezing temperature, and the depressing look of the sky that makes me not like winter- and let's not forget, I'm in school most of winter.
We can't leave the other seasons out either. That's unfair. Now we will talk a little bit about spring. I also have positive feelings about spring too. I love the new flowers, the way the air seems fresh, although we both know it isn't as fresh as we think. I like the way the sun finally looks like it has got over it's depression. But I still hate cold, and cold mixed with cold newly-melted snow is not what I would prefer to mix. There is always that little bit of snow left that you just want gone. It usually is by roads and it looks dirty and sad. I don't like thinking that summer is really close, when it snows the next day. Overall, the cons out way the pros.
We can't have only three seasons, now can we? What I like about fall is the sweatshirts, the pumpkins, the massive amount of turkey that my dad makes, and, and the way the leaves change color. I love color, so you would think that I am all for fall, right? Not exactly. You see, in Fall, It always snows earlier than you want it to. Everybody hates raking up leaves. You have to winterize your yard, and if you have a pool like me, It really sucks. The threat of winter is just around the corner, and there isn't really time to enjoy it. The whole season just seems skipped, and I don't like it.
Back to Summer. Yes, everything about summer is great. No school, no worries, no panicking. I enjoy the sunburns, the two months of school education that I'm losing while I play Call of Duty and hang out with the opposite gender. Now would be the time where I say something I don't like about summer, but there isn't one. I love everything about it. So yes, there are reasons I love all seasons, but there are also some reasons that I prefer it would be summer every day.