Sunday, September 25, 2011


Halloween is probably a bad topic for this weekend, considering that there is still a whole month until then, but I feel like I should write about it now. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, not just because of the scary aspects, but because I love to party, and thats what you do on Halloween. I love watching scary movies with girls and pretending like i'm not scared at haunted houses, and its around Fall, which is my favorite season. The entire month you can watch scary movies and not need an excuse. It's just plain fun, and I major in fun.
Every year, there is always something that kicks off my Halloween fascination, like, for example, Frightmares. Although Frightmares is not scary in the least bit, it still is very fun to me. I like walking around and having dead workers get uncomfortably close to your face. I like going into haunted houses where the scariness is ranked by the amount of spiders. I like reading the cheesy gravestones and dramatically walking through the smoke machines. I don't really know why, but I love going to Frightmares.
Another one of my favorite things to do around Halloween is to watch scary movies. I have always loved movies. I call it being "Cinematically educated." And I love being scared, so by default I love scary movies. But the thing is, you can't watch a scary movie with the same gender. Its not as fun. You need a reason to not scream like a little girl, and an excuse to be a human teddybear. It's just plain and simple fun.
What I also find very amusing is the halloween decorations. I love the gravestones, the fog that is probably bad for your health, the skeletons with the crazy eyes, the knife covered in fake blood, and the costumes. I love the pumpkin carving, the massive amounts of candy, the monsters, the orange and black lights, and just about everything else. Something about it just puts me in the Halloween mood. Its not Halloween without some cheesy decorations.
Now, you can't have a Halloween with just movies and decorations, you also need haunted houses. And I'm not saying the normal and standard haunted houses. My friends and I search for the best. Last year, we went to Black Island Farms, which has a killer haunted house. No pun intended. It was by far the scariest haunted house I've ever seen, and it was absolutely fun. I strongly believe that you can't have Halloween without some haunted houses.
The last thing that needs to be mentioned here is dressing up in costumes. It's awesome. I've been everything, from Darth Vadar to Spongebob. One year my mom made we wear a giant box. (Jack in the box...get it). That was not my favorite. Probably my favorite costume that I've worn was my "Grandpa's Apprentice" costume. I have done a little electrical work for my grandpa, and he was having a family Halloween party, so I set my shirt on fire, blew it out, covered myself in black, charcoal looking paint, stuck my hair strait up, and carried around electrical wire. I thought it was pretty cleaver.
To conclude, I absolutely love Halloween. It is just enjoyable, and I love participating in it. And It's not just one day to celebrate, it's an entire month. I love staying up late and being scared. I love the fake spider webs and the plastic skeletons. I love the fake blood and the monsters. And most of all, I love to party.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Yesterday, I decided that I should start running, because lately my life has mostly been school and Call Of Duty, and don't get me wrong, I'm pretty sure my Knifing thumb and my Sprinting finger could lift a truck, so it hasn't been completely anti-productive. I was sitting on my couch, and I began to rethink my workout habits. Push-ups, Sit-ups, Pull-ups, and other normal things, but I started to begin worrying about my legs. Which is one of the main things that I should be working out, because basketball season starts in October.
So, I've made a plan to run every other day, starting yesterday. I woke up, and began running. My goal was to run from my house, to Tasty's, to Ben Franklin, and then back home, which under my estimation would be about 7 miles, give or take some. Screw starting small, I'm starting big. And I planned to sprint most of it, so it could prove to be a challenge. But I live for challenge.
So I started running, and I felt great for the first couple miles. I would even wave at people, which I usually don't do. Anyway, when I reached Tasty's, that's when the soreness and tightness started to kick in. I could push past it for the next few miles, but then it got more severe. Maybe playing Call of Duty isn't so bad. After all, I sprint all the time in that game, and shoot people at the same time, which teaches multitasking.
Anyway, back to my run. I felt pretty good, and decided to keep running my normal pace, which was almost a sprint. I got to Ben Franklin, and I got a second wind. I kept thinking to myself "About halfway." When I reached Mutton Hollow for the second time, I was debating if I should slow down. I didn't.
I got to my turn, and I decided to sprint as fast as I could to my house. Easy enough right? I saw my house, and a huge sigh of relief came over me. I continued sprinting, but then I felt a little weird. Then I registered what was about to happen. I tried to run, but there was no use. I threw up on my neighbor Mr. Foster's sidewalk. Poor guy. I got home, and I sat down on my porch. It then struck me that I forgot to stretch, as I was flooded with pain. Great idea Jack, Great idea.
I went inside and I reflected on my run. I actually felt that it was a very successful morning, I burned off like a weeks worth of calories and I won't be surprised if I have a five foot vertical by tomorrow morning. But I also started thinking that I should start managing my workouts. Maybe running until I puke isn't always the best thing to do. I'm sure my breakfast, Mr. Foster, and sidewalks everywhere will be appreciative.