This is the time of year that everyone starts to panic a little, expecially for ninth graders. The time where the year is ending, when summer makes everyone go a little crazy, and when you realize you have DAYS left until the start of an entire new life. Sometimes when I think about it, its a little hard to take in. I know that high school is going to be a great experience, and hopefully pretty fun. But I've never been that great at letting things go, and I've grown quite used to my life at junior high. But in this little blog post I'll have to talk about some stuff regarding this topic.
First, lets start with just the basic High School plans. Next year, I plan on trying out for Productions, as well as the basketball team. Regarding the classes I'm taking: I am signed up for Intro to health, film, Algebra 2 Honors, English Honors, Theater 3&4, and guitar 1 (I've been playing guitar for 2 years...haha). So pretty basic stuff.
Now lets talk about what is happening to every single teenager at FFJH. Summer Fever. We all have had it at some point in our lives, and it is a disease that will plague our generation, and the next, and the next, and the next for years to come. We group winter and school in the same category, and we group summer and no school in the same category as well. So when things seem to get hotter outside, we think of summer. When we think of summer, we think of no school, even though we are still in school, and maybe even in the actual classroom. Our brains cant function anymore! They're being melted with warm weather and the promise of a 3 MONTH BREAK. So, a tip to all teachers: lower your expectations. We will defiantly stop meeting them.
New topic: Letting go of Junior High. To be honest, this year sucked. Fairfield has gotten so strict this year. We've lost our assemblies, our principal, and our happiness. And let's not forget, I've gotten in trouble for PDA at least 20 times, so yeah. This year hasn't been the best. But Its going to be weird to let it go. Granted, I'll be letting go of some pretty crappy things, but I'll also be losing some friends, and some good memories. I don't know, it's a little sad.
So, to conclude, I'm a bit (I shouldn't say nervous... ponderous, maybe?) It will be very interesting to see how it turns out. Anyway, thanks for reading. Salut.
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