That time of year again, eh? Seems like just two weeks ago we were just recovering from the last frenzy of love. But, alas, it is back. Now, Valentine's Day is an OK holiday. You get to let you know the people that you care about that you love them, but there are people who are taking things to a bit of an extreme. Valentine's Day is also the worst day of the year for single people. Having gone through the past few years, watching all the hearts around you and how happy couples can be, it sucks. Now, the case isn't exactly the same for me this year, I have more than enough of a right to write about that.
First, lets just talk about just the overall feel of this Holiday of Hearts. We all know it; the red hearts, the bunches of flowers, and lets not forget the CHOCOLATE. But it's not just that. There is something in the air that makes February different. Something about the way Valentine's Day is, makes couples fall even more in love, and makes singles even more lonely. I can't quite explain it, but you know what I'm talking about. Is it the pressure to measure up to the set standard of the perfect couple? Is it the fear of being alone? Take it as you will, but I think that it is a combination of all of those plus more.
Now, lets talk about Singles Awareness Day, which is also known as Valentine's Day for the lonely. We all know what it feels like when you are alone on this day. All you really want to do is lock yourself in your room with a tub of Cappichino ice cream and the movie "The Notebook." We've all been there, if you want to admit it or not.
Now, let's talk about a day that I think should be its own holiday: The day after Valentine's Day. I don't know if you have ever noticed, but its like the entire store goes on sale. I can walk out of Smith's on this day carrying as much heart-shaped chocolate and Monster as my arms could carry. I love this day more than Valentine's Day itself. Normal people look forward to Valentine's Day; I look forward to going to the store to buy all the candy and treats that are on sale 50% off.
So, to conclude, Valentine's Day has it's goods and bads. You can never fully hate or love the holiday. It is a great holiday for those in a couple, but it can suck for those who's love life consists of ice cream, their bed, chick flicks, and video games. But, love it or hate it, it's coming, so be prepared for the worst.
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