Sunday, November 27, 2011

School Responsibility

Fun title, right? They the words that every person feels at one point in their life, and it is the student code that we are told to live by. We are all need to act mature in our life, regardless of age. Don't get me wrong, I think that responsibility is one of the main things we need to learn in life, and I know of its major importance. I would rather do what I think is right and do what I think needs to be done, than someone telling me how to do things; which I hate. I am a huge believer in personal responsibility and I think that the entire school system should be formed around just that. But the way teachers pound you with assignments and expect them to be done exactly to their standards. The way that the word responsibility has its perfect definition, and any variations will not be tolerated. I cannot handle this school system anymore, and I know that I have already talked about this once, but let's continue, shall we?
I know that you have already heard me gripe and complain about this, and the last thing that I want you to know me by is my nonconformist ways, but my brain is shutting down. I am FAR to stressed as it is, considering all that I am currently doing, and I love everything that I'm doing outside of school, But when you add the fact that you need to be a perfect student. The way that they think that the only thing you should be doing is schoolwork, and you might even agree! Since when should school be the main source for everything? Did I miss the memo that told everyone to stop living life? Since when was I told I couldn't have a voice, or express myself through other means than an art project or science fair? You are supposed to live your own life, to learn from your OWN mistakes. I feel like people have all gone crazy or got brainwashed or something, except for me. But somehow I'm the crazy one, and I may be, but if you agree with everything that the school does, then I don't know what is going on. But I am asking you to join my insanity for a moment, at least until the end of this essay.
If you read my "The School System" article, then this would all be familiar, but I believe that there is this mold that has been formed of a perfect student and we are all told to fit it, and if we don't, it ruins our lives. According to the school system, there is one way to learn things, but there are millions! But they force us to learn one way and one way only. They'll hand you far too many assignments, and what do they hope to accomplish? Sure, some, or even most of the kids doing the same assignment may learn something, which is great, but what about the kids who don't? Of course, I do think that assignments can be helpful in moderation, but everyone has a different way of learning things. But it seems like the school doesn't care about them. You either fit the mold or you fail the class.
Now, it's late, and you probably stopped reading my rambling on about useless subjects that I cannot change, so I'll finish up. I don't think that the way the school teaches responsibility is the only way to learn it, but it seems they force you to. But who knows? I could be totally wrong. Until next week, Goodbye.

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