Sunday, October 23, 2011

The School System.

You see, the thing is, I'm a student. You can read as many articles and you can take as many tests and studies as your heart desires, but I live through the school system almost every day of my life. I am told to do homework, and I am told to follow directions, I am told exactly what I'm supposed to do in life and exactly how to do it. I am told to follow the system perfectly. But the thing is, I absolutely hate it. When did everyone become so uniform? When did everyone stop being original? I sometimes just look around and all I see is a perfect system. But the thing is, humans aren't perfect. We are supposed to be different. We are supposed to have opinions. We are supposed to be different, but the one thing I strongly dislike in school is the perfect shaped mold of a student that you are supposed to be. Call me a propagandist. Call me a rebel. But I believe that every student is different, and from experience, and I know that they don't teach you to be your own person in school.
First of all, I would like to talk about the everyday classroom. You're supposed to get to class exactly on time, you get the same assignments as 34 other students in that same class, and you are told to do it and turn it in within the exact standards that are set. We all have a set schedule. Every day we wake up at the same time, we all get to school the same way, we are told to do the same things in class. Now, because of my occasional lack of concentration, and my somewhat lack of interest on schoolwork (which I am not proud of), I notice this more and more every year. I am sick of following the standards that I have been following for the past nine years. I'm not saying that I want to drop out of school, or stop doing all my assignments, but I need a new way to do things, before I lose my mind.
Now, a special portion about SEOPs. Sure, they can be useful in some ways. They help me change my class schedule, and they get me a break from class occasionally. But one of the things that bugs me most, is the path that they show and the way they tell you to follow it. As we get older, we are always asked what we want to be when we grow up. Sure, it started off as somewhat of a game. Answers were similar to "Princess", "Vet", or in my case, "Astronaut". They soon became more serious. I feel like I'm the only one that doesn't know exactly what I'm going to be, and exactly how to get there. And I'm in 9th grade. Being preoccupied with your future takes away the joy of the present. Now is the time to make mistakes, and learn from them. It's the time to enjoy life as we know it, and we can't do that with the limitations that we are born to live by.
For the sake of time, I'll start to close. After reading this, I highly doubt you agree with me. You probably think of me as another "Against the System" teenager. But I believe that school is one of the most important thing for kids, and I never said that it should be terminated. But I do believe it needs to be fixed. Students are classified as just that. Students. There is no individuality in that word, and we aren't treated with any. The word is treated with an idea of a single structure. A mold we all are supposed to live by. But the thing is, none of us are the same. We all have ideas and thoughts, and we are taken for granted just because of our age. Young people are thought of as naive. But we all are different, and we need to stop being treated as the same.

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