So, I've made a plan to run every other day, starting yesterday. I woke up, and began running. My goal was to run from my house, to Tasty's, to Ben Franklin, and then back home, which under my estimation would be about 7 miles, give or take some. Screw starting small, I'm starting big. And I planned to sprint most of it, so it could prove to be a challenge. But I live for challenge.
So I started running, and I felt great for the first couple miles. I would even wave at people, which I usually don't do. Anyway, when I reached Tasty's, that's when the soreness and tightness started to kick in. I could push past it for the next few miles, but then it got more severe. Maybe playing Call of Duty isn't so bad. After all, I sprint all the time in that game, and shoot people at the same time, which teaches multitasking.
Anyway, back to my run. I felt pretty good, and decided to keep running my normal pace, which was almost a sprint. I got to Ben Franklin, and I got a second wind. I kept thinking to myself "About halfway." When I reached Mutton Hollow for the second time, I was debating if I should slow down. I didn't.
I got to my turn, and I decided to sprint as fast as I could to my house. Easy enough right? I saw my house, and a huge sigh of relief came over me. I continued sprinting, but then I felt a little weird. Then I registered what was about to happen. I tried to run, but there was no use. I threw up on my neighbor Mr. Foster's sidewalk. Poor guy. I got home, and I sat down on my porch. It then struck me that I forgot to stretch, as I was flooded with pain. Great idea Jack, Great idea.
I went inside and I reflected on my run. I actually felt that it was a very successful morning, I burned off like a weeks worth of calories and I won't be surprised if I have a five foot vertical by tomorrow morning. But I also started thinking that I should start managing my workouts. Maybe running until I puke isn't always the best thing to do. I'm sure my breakfast, Mr. Foster, and sidewalks everywhere will be appreciative.
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